The backgammon board presents twelve triangles on either side, which, as I understand it, represent the twelve months of the year. And there are four quarters of the board which represent the four seasons. 90 days baby.


What can I apply from backgammon to my life practices?


I’d say acceptance of the dice (I know its technically “die”, but I couldn’t resist writing the succulent word “diccccccce”). What’s the utility of resenting how they roll and land? Or, on the other hand, celebrating a good roll? You really had no say in either, so why even express a preference to have gotten anything else?


It takes DISCIPLINE & EQUANIMITY to accept how the dice fall.


We can, on the other hand, control how we move the pieces. Still… if we move the pieces to the best of our ability, or even to a statistical certainty that we are in fact making the best possible move, we can still lose on account of the dice.



Why not enjoy the game anyway?