Who/What is GOD

Genesis 1:2

The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep water. The Spirit of God was hovering over the water. 


The original Hebrew word for spirit, wind, and breath are all the same:


God breathes life into man… I get that. I can feel how intuitively true it is. I’ve seen dead bodies, specifically that of my brother, and without the breath, there was no spirit. The wind had carried him elsewhere. All that was left was the vessel.

I realized recently that God doesn’t answer specific questions. Nor does he provide a roadmap. The point isn’t to ask Him what to do. It’s just to make as continuous contact as possible.

Sometimes, when I meditate with my palms facing upward, I imagine tangled strings of yarn pulling upwards through the back of my hands and above into the sky. As the threads pass through me, they weave a rough pattern; an abstract design that holds an imprint of my existence, carrying upward to be sewn into the great tapestry. I can see these threads rising throughout the city, and the world, from a birds-eye view. And maybe that’s God.

I have a spiritual proxy for God. She’s an imaginary friend who’s a strikingly beautiful multi-ethnic woman with freckles, large transparent aviators, and a Bindi. She’s irreverent, and lovingly finds humor in my daily anxieties. What she has in common with God is that she knows everything about me, and still loves me unconditionally. So, as long as she’s around, I don’t need to test others in pursuit of their unconditional love… which I have a bad habit of doing.

I can get a clear(er) sense of what God is by contrasting Him to what I consider His opposite: EGO


EGO – Separation From

GOD – Connection With

EGO – Extracts Value

GOD – Adds Value

EGO – Self Interest

GOD – Service to Others